Avoca CSD 2023 CIP Re-Bid
Bidding Closed
Bid Date | 2/20/25 1:30pm |
Avoca, New York
ELECTRICAL Work for the Avoca CSD 2023 CIP Project located at 17 Oliver Street , Avoca ,
New York , 14809 .
Separate sealed bids will be received by Avoca Central School District at the Auditorium
Lobby (Door #9) , until 1:30 p.m. local time on February 20, 2025 at which time they will be
publicly opened and read aloud. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that the bid
is received at the designated location prior to the designated time for opening bids.
Copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained by Prime Contractors, Subcontractors and
Vendors, at Roto-lite Elliott, One Grove St. Pittsford, NY 14534 upon deposit of One Hundred
Dollars ($100.00) per set, all Bid Deposit checks shall be made out to Avoca Central School
District. Include, in addition to the document deposit, a non-refundable check in the amount of
Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00) per set for handling and postage of sets to be mailed. All checks
shall be made payable to Roto-lite Elliott. Alternatively, bidders can provide their UPS or
FedEx shipper # for shipment of bid documents.
In lieu of paper bid sets, bidders can view electronic plans and specifications online upon a
Fifty-Nine Dollars ($59.00) nonrefundable payment by visiting www.recplanroom.com (Click
Public Jobs under the Menu Tab on the left-hand side of the plan room homepage. Once you
are in the public plan room please select the link of the District’s name)
For the convenience of prospective Bidders, subcontractors and material suppliers, Bidding
Documents will also be on file at the following locations:
1. McGraw-Hill Construction (Dodge): http://dodgeprojects.construction.com
2. Rochester Builders Exchange: http://www.robex.com
3. Construction Exchange of Buffalo & Western New York: https://conexbuff.com/
4. Syracuse Builders Exchange: https://www.syrabex.com/
There will not be a formal Pre-Bid Meeting for this Project. All requests for site visits shall be
by appointment only via Jake Bates, Cell: 585-409-4739.
All pre-bid questions shall be submitted to Jake Bates, and Caitlin Terri, Watchdog, at
jakebates@watchdogbp.com and cterry@watchdogbp.com, using the Request for Information
(RFI) form found in specification section 006000. Questions will be accepted until 12:00 p.m.
February 12, 2025.
A Bidder whose bid is accompanied by a certified check or other security in accordance with
the bidding requirements and public advertisement, and who returns a complete set of Bidding
Documents in good condition within thirty (30) days following the award of the Contract
covered by such Bidding Documents or the rejection of such bid, shall receive a refund of the
full amount of the deposit for (1) copy of the Bidding Documents. Partial reimbursement in anamount equal to the deposit for (1) set of the Bidding Documents, less the actual cost of
reproduction of the Bidding Documents, shall be made for the return of all other copies of the
Bidding Documents in good condition within thirty (30) days following the award of the
Contract or the rejection of the bids covered by such Bidding Documents.
Attention of the Bidder is particularly called to the Owner's sales tax exemption, the
requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed, the minimum wage rates to be
paid under the contract, and the New York State Department of Labor Contractor
Registry. In addition, the Bidding Documents for this project contain detailed requirements for
the qualification of Bidders. These include, among other things, rigid bonding and insurance
requirements, financial statements, bank references, lists of lawsuits, arbitrations or other
proceedings in which the Bidder has been named as a party, a statement of surety's intent to
issue Performance and Payment Bonds, and a description of other projects of similar size and
scope completed by the Bidder.
Bids shall be prepared as set forth in “Instructions to Bidders”, enclosed in a sealed envelope
bearing on its face the name and address of the Bidder and the title of the Work to which the
bid enclosed relates. Each Bidder shall deposit with its bid, security in an amount not less than
five percent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the
“Instructions to Bidders.” No Bidder may withdraw his bid within forty-five (45) days after the
actual bid opening.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any and all informalities in or to reject any or all bids.
The Owner further reserves its right to disqualify Bidders for any material failure to comply
with the “Instructions to Bidders”.